Database relational algebra
2021. 3. 9. 00:48
Relational algebra
- select
- project
- Cartensian product
- Join
- Rename
- Union
- Set-intersection
- Set-difference
들이 있다.
Algebra라고 하면 두가지로 나눌 수 있는데
Operands : 산술을 할때 숫자를 의미한다
Operators : 산술을 할 때 연산기호들을 나타낸다.
Relational Algebra (table을 의미)
- A Procedural language consisting of a set of operations that take one or two relations as input and produce a new relation as their output
Basic operators
두개의 table을 가지고 비교하며 둘은 공통된 col이 있다.
- Select
- Project
- Cartesian product
- Join
- Rename
- Union
- set-intersection
- set-difference